You can also insert extra pages or delete some if they're not relevant. Once the program is opened, proceed to select the files from various paths that will be merged together. The functional style suits this program, seeing as it acts as a tool.

The interface is classic and modern at the same time. This program can be used by the most basic of users, which ultimately means that there is nothing new to learn in order to use this app at its full potential. In case you are one of those individuals that are not keen on learning new tricks just to get something done, fear not. You add your documents, and you merge them. The general idea behind this program remains quite simple. Of course, since there are many other aspects to take into consideration when merging two individual documents, there are plenty of other features that will make sure such a process is 100% successful in the end. PDF Combine, just as you might have guessed, is an application that deals mainly with merging two or more PDF files.